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David Memmott

David Memmott has published four books and two chapbooks of poetry. His poem, “Where the Yellow Brick Road Turns West,” was a finalist for the 2010 Spur Award from Western Writers of America. The Larger Earth: Descending Notes of a Grounded Astronaut was selected as one of 150 best poetry books for 150 years of Oregon statehood by Poetry Northwest and Oregon State Library. His collection, Lost Transmissions (Serving House Books, 2012) was a finalist for the 2014 Eric Hoffer Award. His Vietnam-Era novel was published in 2017 by Redbat Books (Pacific Northwest Writers Series) and his poetry collection, Small Matters Mean the World is forthcoming in Fall 2022. His young adult fantasy, Master Merlin, is looking for a publisher and his near-future science fiction novel, Total Immersion is in-progress. He is a Fishtrap Fellow, a Playa Institute resident and recipient of three Fellowships in Publishing from Literary Arts, Inc., for his work as editor and publisher of Wordcraft of Oregon, LLC ( He was the founder of Phantom Drift: A Journal of New Fabulism and lives in the Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon.  


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